Thursday, November 24, 2011

Method of creative thinking (Associated mind map)

In the class, lecturer showed us a set of mortar and pestle. He tried to exert our imagination by teaching us how to associate a mind map while we are thinking or need more ideas. We can use a simple mind-map to generate more ideas by coming out with words to describe an object we’ve chosen as subject matter and turn it into a concept which conveys message to people. We’re required to illustrate the image of our concept as well.

After being introduced by the lecturer about creative thinking and how can we come out with concepts from the particular object, we had interesting exercise. A mind map showed the words that associated with mortar and pestle. The lecturer asked us to choose one of them and think about other functions of the mortar and pestle without associating it with its original function.

Chia Ling's concept

Cecilia's concept

They’ve chosen symbol and teacher respectively.

Later on, we’re given a task which we’re required to choose our preferred subject matter and come out with different concepts based on what we’ve been asked to do earlier.

In 2423, we found two objects. (The images are shown below)

Back in the year of 2011, people used this object…

  • As a glass for champagne – People used this object for drinking champagne, the stick symbolized nobility.
  • As a dart – People used this to play the game.
  • As the paddles – People used this to propel canoes or kayaks.
  • As a lamp – Make the bowl-like shape thing on the top and turn around the rubber, put a bulb inside and it turns into a lamp.

Back in the year of 2011, people used this object…

  • As a TV – People were watching TV programs from this object.
  • As a chair – People sat on it.
  • As a tool for connection (computer) – Touch screen function with the water and cover as the screen.

Written by Ho Zhuan Han
Edited by Chee Jenn Yi

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Mind mapping technique (logical mind map) and introduction to stereotype.

Example of a logical mind map with words, colors and illustrations.

Mind map of everything about Faculty of Creative Multimedia

Done by Chuah Chia Ling

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention


1. The quality of being new, original, or unusual
- the novelty of being a married woman wore off

2. A new or unfamiliar thing or experience
- in 1914 air travel was still a novelty

3. Denoting something intended to be amusing as a result of its new or unusual quality
- a novelty teapot

4. A small and inexpensive toy or ornament
- he bought chocolate novelties to decorate the Christmas tree

- This novelty telephone features Homer Simpson seated on a chair. It is animated in that when the phone rings Homer raises his arms, throws back his head and speaks one of several messages! The telephone handset is actually the top of the chair which lifts off.


1. The use of the imagination or original ideas, esp. in the production of an artistic work.

2. Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others.

3. Three reasons why people are motivated to be creative:

i. need for novel, varied, and complex stimulation
ii. need to communicate ideas and values
iii. need to solve problems

- A stick man is holding a bulb; it means too much idea can be a burden.


1. The action or process of innovating

2. A new method, idea, product, etc.
- technological innovations designed to save energy

3. Innovation is the creation of better or more effective products, processes, technologies, or ideas that are accepted by markets, governments, and society.

4. Innovation differs from invention or renovation in being a substantial positive change rather than a modest incremental change.

- As human beings we must adapt to change, it’s an inherent force of nature, as our environment changes, so must we in order to best thrive in our surroundings.


1. The action of inventing something, typically a process or device
- the invention of printing in the 15th century

2. Something, typically a process or device, that has been invented
- medieval inventions included spectacles for reading and the spinning wheel

3. Creative ability
- his powers of invention were rather limited

4. Something fabricated or made up
- you know my story is an invention

5. Used as a title for a short piece of music
- Bach's two-part Inventions

- It labeled as the 'ultimate lap and desk stand for your pad, tablet or e-reader', the Pad Pivot features an ingenious hinged design that can be folded up small enough to fit in a hip pocket.

Written by Bibiana Eu Ee

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Defining Creativity

Creativity comes from the word "creative". It is a skill and ability to generate innovative ideas and manifest them from thought into reality.

As a human being, we're all born with the potential of being wonderfully creative not just in a functional sense in order to get by in the world but to be specialized in certain areas that capture our interest and fire up our imagination as we grow and develop. By that stage, creativity in each and everyone differs as it's based on the effort we put into thinking. Therefore, we need to train our creative thinking skill.

To me ,
- Creativity is an attitude.
- It incorporates playfulness, curiosity, sensitivity, self-awareness and independence.
- Looking at things in many different ways.
- Creativity does not only belong to artists
- Everyone can be creative

Here's a video that I'll like to share with everyone

This is the chess stop motion video. The chess set is made of brown and white clay. The idea is superb and very creative to me and it impressed me more when the creator decided on using a dynamic background music (Edvard Grieg's "In the Hall of the Mountain King") for this video to suit the mood of a "battlefield". I personally fancy the part where the white Pawn was trying to throttle the brown Pawn because it turned out to be pretty dramatic to me. Finally, I'll like to credit the creator for being so creative and imaginative as he succeeded in changing my impression of a simple chess game into an extraordinarily interesting game after watching the video.

Source: + ricx78@YouTube

Written by Cecilia Lim Xin Lei
Edited by Chee Jenn Yi